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第五百三十一章 绝对领域——疾风利刃

作者:疾风之狼奇迹 返回目录 加入书签


利刃深吸一口气,缓缓吐纳而出:“既然还是不肯放弃,那么就让你见识一下,我所到达的极限吧……”他的脚下掀起一阵黑色能量组成的螺旋状气旋,银白色的头发被吹得向上飘动。气旋很快化作拔地而起的能量光芒,将他的脸上印满了黑茫。“My right hand is a sword, and my left hand is a balance. The sword is the murder weapon, to rid the world of evil. The balance is a sacred instrument, presiding over justice in the world. Although we have suffered all the hardships, we must not forget our original faith. Guard all beings, but beg for no regrets. Set the evil of the three realms on my body, and cross the purgatory on the tomb mound. Even if you are caught in the darkness beyond redemption, you will uphold the justice in your heart and become the sword of black judgment and even the last star. Blade of high winds!”

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